
Architect - Designer - Maker

My name is Alexander Baldwin-Cole, I’m a Chartered Architect and a growing designer and maker based in Cornwall / Bristol. I’ve studied Architecture over the past years, achieving my Part III at UWE in Bristol, my MArch from Newcastle University and BHons from Kent University in Canterbury. This site is all about the work I've created, the experiences I've undertaken and anything else I find that interests me along the way.

If you’d like to get in contact about some work, please feel free to get in touch I’m always looking for new challenges, whatever form they may take.


Modular Project Part II - Intercrit

Last Friday we had an Intercrit for Part II of the Modular module. This was a bit of a shock as we at that point had had only one design tutorial on our individual schemes. So it is safe to say everyone was a bit rushed at getting a completed design out in only two weeks. Below is the presentation I gave.

The main feedback I received was about the design of facade being inconsistent with the internal layout. This was a very fair point as I had no idea what the exterior was going to accurately look like until I finished my basic 3DSMAX model of it. Needless to say I didn't like it. So I was happy to take on any ideas that were presented to me by the critiquing tutors and students. The look the building has from the outside really is surprisingly different from what you'd expect when looking at the plans.

Its now a week on (nearly) from the Intercrit and I've been working on reducing the negatives of the facade. The primary faults of it lie in the over dramatic external structure. There are many reason for using the external structure as it has allowed me to design the interior with none of the walls being load bearing. This has made it possible for the interior layout to be flexible, as that was one of the criteria laid out in the brief. So the aim was to still keep it but to reduce its impact on the buildings image. As the external walls behind it actually represent various interesting shapes due to the internal space configuration.

Anyway that's all for now, need to be getting on with some more work for my tutorial tomorrow. 

BackGround Image By Alexander Baldwin-Cole