
Architect - Designer - Maker

My name is Alexander Baldwin-Cole, I’m a Chartered Architect and a growing designer and maker based in Cornwall / Bristol. I’ve studied Architecture over the past years, achieving my Part III at UWE in Bristol, my MArch from Newcastle University and BHons from Kent University in Canterbury. This site is all about the work I've created, the experiences I've undertaken and anything else I find that interests me along the way.

If you’d like to get in contact about some work, please feel free to get in touch I’m always looking for new challenges, whatever form they may take.


A New City. A New Start. But Some Of The Same Stuff

It's been far too long since I've used this website, due to working in an office and relocating to Newcastle. My latest portfolio can be found here, which was created for my successful application to study my Masters in Architecture at Newcastle University. It features highlights from my undergraduate studies, it also features a series of projects I undertook in my year in industry and a small private job I worked on during my year out.

Newcastle So Far

It's been over a month since I started my new course at Newcastle. During this period I've already learnt a lot, met a lot of new people, seen a whole new city.

The first week saw the whole school al 5 years come together to produce a number of exhibitions, including a fashion show made out of recyclables, emotion spaces and a light tunnel which was the project I worked on. We had a week to design, resource, finance, build and then dismantle the piece of art work.

My group which consisted on 1 sixth year, 3 fifth years (including me) and a gaggle of first and second years looked to produce a light tunnel. We aimed to work with multiple senses e.g sight, sound and touch. Due to the complexity the main element we only managed to realise the sight feature, the outcome none the less was in my eyes rather spectacular. We created 1000's of paper tubes, which we hung from a 2.6m x 2.2m x 3.2m timber frame. Then illuminated them from the top and the side using LED strip lighting and refracted the light within the tunnel by use of a two small ponds which ran the length of the structure. The final project can be seen in the pictures below along with some behind the scenes and event photographs.

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BackGround Image By Alexander Baldwin-Cole