
Architect - Designer - Maker

My name is Alexander Baldwin-Cole, I’m a Chartered Architect and a growing designer and maker based in Cornwall / Bristol. I’ve studied Architecture over the past years, achieving my Part III at UWE in Bristol, my MArch from Newcastle University and BHons from Kent University in Canterbury. This site is all about the work I've created, the experiences I've undertaken and anything else I find that interests me along the way.

If you’d like to get in contact about some work, please feel free to get in touch I’m always looking for new challenges, whatever form they may take.


Adulthood Can Be A Fickle B@stard


It’s that time again, for a (really rather very) behind the times catch up.

I hadn’t quite realised how long it’s been since I last did one of these, nearly a year. Since that time, I’ve moved to New Zealand, spent around 6 months exploring all it had to offer. Of which a collection of photos can be found on my new Through A Lens page. As one of the things the trip allowed me to do was discover my enjoyment in photography again, albeit the outcomes are probably nowhere near as good as I think they or hope they are. It was just fun to be behind a lens again.

Since returning to fair old blighty I relocated to Bristol, and began working at Moon Architect Builder as a Part II Architectural Assistant. In a position which enabled me to learn so much more about working through the technical stages and having a direct responsibility and connection to what was going on on-site. A lass that was not meant to be, various factors (insert B.EXIT word here) leading to a huge downsizing of the company mere months after my initial employment. So as all people do in their lives at one point or another, I came face to face with the joys of redundancy.

On the positive side, I moved from the office to smashing ten hells out of a variety of buildings across Bristol. Which was brilliant, as during the frustrating times of trying to find employment I was gifted an outlet for my stress in the form of a sledge hammer and a free gym membership, which was also in the form of a sledge hammer. I enjoy demo work and hammers, especially when it involves massive pieces of Steel. For a brief write up on my site experience and a few lines about what I learnt, head over to my Getting Hands On Page.

That’s probably enough for now, as having written this part I’ve now given myself 3 other posts to write in a short period of time. Better get to it as the Six Nations is on soon, and I’d quite like to have a pint.



BackGround Image By Alexander Baldwin-Cole