
Architect - Designer - Maker

My name is Alexander Baldwin-Cole, I’m a Chartered Architect and a growing designer and maker based in Cornwall / Bristol. I’ve studied Architecture over the past years, achieving my Part III at UWE in Bristol, my MArch from Newcastle University and BHons from Kent University in Canterbury. This site is all about the work I've created, the experiences I've undertaken and anything else I find that interests me along the way.

If you’d like to get in contact about some work, please feel free to get in touch I’m always looking for new challenges, whatever form they may take.


Time sure flies when you're Suuuuper Busy..... In all seriousness, where have 6 Years Gone

It’s been more than a few years since I’ve updated my website and oh lord has a fair amount happened in that time. I last updated my website back in 2018, having just come back from spending some much needed RnR travelling around New Zealand ready to begin job hunting. Since the unfortunate redundancy of 2018 (see previous blog post) I found a full time placement, stop sofa surfing and moved into a stable house, survived the Covid period of mass unhappiness, helped turn a sports stadium into a field hospital, qualified as a chartered architect, moved jobs and then drew the curtains on my permanent time in Bristol for a while. I relocated to Newquay February 2023 to find a better work / life balance than I was achieving in Bristol all the while working out of an newly refurbished Listed office in the heart of Truro.

Now that just about brings up to speed, so what am I up to right now.

I’m currently gearing up for a trip to Canada, more specifically Vancouver. I’ve been granted a Working Holiday Visa earlier this year and I’m travelling out shortly to activate my visa and research the city, the nightlife, the creative quarters and hopefully some of the surrounding natural beauty spots. The plan simply is have a good old look around and see if I could see myself moving there in the next half year or so, perhaps even obtain some work and social contacts prior to the big move in Spring 2025

I’ve recently updated and uploaded my latest Design Portfolio over in the Past Work section, so please peruse to your hearts content a compiled collection of all that makes me… me within the design realm…


BackGround Image By Alexander Baldwin-Cole